Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board of HIRSCH Servo AG consists of the following four members since October 16, 2020:

Mag Dr Gerhard Glinzerer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Independent, born in 1954, appointed until 28th AGM (2023)
Elected for first time: May 5, 2014

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Mag Johann Moser, Vice-Chairman 

Independent, born in 1954, appointed until 28th AGM (2023)
Elected for first time: May 5, 2014

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DDr. Johann Neuner, Member of the Supervisory Board, Chairman of the Audit Committee

Independent, born in 1956, appointed until 28th AGM (2023)
Elected for first time: May 5, 2014

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Mag. Matthias Haider, Member of the Supervisory Board

Independent, born in 1977, appointed until 28th AGM (2023) 
Elected for first time: October 16, 2020

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The HIRSCH Servo Group

The HIRSCH Servo Group, with headquarters in Austria and 29 other manufacturing facilities in Central, East and South-East Europe, is an international company with core competencies in using EPS (expandable polystyrene), a highly versatile material. 

Glanegg 58  - A-9555 Glanegg
T: +43 4277/2211 - 0
F: +43 4277/2211 - 170