EPS tailored parts

We bring EPS into your desired shape

Our EPS (= expandable polystyrene or airpop) tailored parts, which are hot-wire cut from our prefabricated EPS blocks, are suitable for a wide range of indoor and outdoor applications.

Prevention of thermal bridges and various construction details in outdoor areas

  • External wall and flat roof area  
  •  Forming and filling
  • Recesses or window elements

    Packaging for optimum protection

  • Panel goods, cubes, cuboids or outline cuts

Send us a drawing or sketch of your desired cut right now and our staff will take care of the preparation of a realization proposal including price calculation.


Flexible use 

Easy to handle/process 


Several densities (EPS-F, W20, W25 and W30) 

Available in white or grey

Folder EPS tailored parts (only available in German)
The HIRSCH Servo Group

The HIRSCH Servo Group, with headquarters in Austria and 29 other manufacturing facilities in Central, East and South-East Europe, is an international company with core competencies in using EPS (expandable polystyrene), a highly versatile material. 

Glanegg 58  - A-9555 Glanegg
T: +43 4277/2211 - 0
F: +43 4277/2211 - 170
W: www.hirsch-gruppe.com
E: office.servo@hirsch-gruppe.com